Protecting our world’s most helpless isn’t just a moral and ethical issue. It’s a public policy issue. That’s why Brooke USA, from time to time, engages with elected and appointed officials and policymakers to ensure that the needs of people and animals across the globe and right here in the United States remain a national priority. At present, Brooke USA is focused on advocating for a ban on the importation and sale ejiao, a gelatin used in traditional Chinese medicine, cosmetics and luxury products that is made by boiling donkey hides.

Millions of donkeys are slaughtered annually for their hides to produce ejiao. The domestic Chinese and international demand for donkey hides is approximately 8–10 million hides per year but the annual supply in China is less than 1.8 million. This demand has led to the slaughter of massive numbers of donkeys across the globe, decimating donkey populations, most notably in Africa and Latin America.  This has had devastating effects on the families who depend on donkeys for survival.

Donkeys are regularly killed illegally and often slaughtered in the bush or street just outside their owners’ property. Moreover, these donkeys are often stolen from families who depend on them for their livelihoods – families already struggling and living below the poverty line. 

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Most of all! Thank you for advocating on behalf of Brooke USA and the Donkey Hide Crisis. To learn more, please visit the project page for a full briefing.